Relax. Reach for the stars. Find balance in your life. Get online, anywhere and anytime.
We are bombarded daily not just with messages and instructions, but also with contradictory demands and ideas.
I was instructed when setting up a BLOG that I must continue to populate my BLOG collection. I cant take a break just because inspiration has run dry (heaven forbid).
So what happens when a BLOGGER goes on vacation? There must be an online article about this somewhere. I suspect he or she continues to wax eloquently about the value of rest and relaxation, noting the sounds of the loons on the lake and the clarity of the stars at night.
Im not going to do that.
Im on vacation. I somehow dont think the world will miss my messages.
P.S. And just in case youre wondering about the fishing, Ive used the term as poetic license. Im not really fishing ug!
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